Saturday, March 14, 2009

Oh Saturday...

Observations from today:

1 - I adore playing music in a group. Rehearsal is so great and it always ends too soon. The conductor keeps thanking us for the sacrifice of our time to be there but I always want to stand up and thank her for letting me enjoy something I love again and thereby reclaim a little bit of me.
2 - I must eat lunch. I cannot skip a meal...I'm wondering if I have low blood sugar. I got such a bad headache because I decided to stay out after rehearsal and therefore didn't eat. It is tragic, but I guess I can make the sacrifice of eating a little more... When I took the glucose test when I was pregnant with Evan, they thought I was fasting because my blood sugar was so low. They told me to eat a lot of ice cream. It was the best advice from a doctor's office I had ever received.
3 - I always think at the end of day I wished I had been more patient with the boys. Well, I realized that I can do that today...because I was gone most of the day. That certainly makes it easier to be patient. However, as I was driving to rehearsal this morning, I was already missing them. Pathetic? Perhaps. As Mike says, I couldn't handle not being the stay-at-home parent.
4 - I am really close to having Evan weaned. He is fine when I am not around, so the tricky time is going to be nap time when I am here. But, he is done with his bed time feeding. Woohoo! I think he knows that something is going on, that I am trying to take it away from him. Several times during the day now he comes up to me screaming and pulling on my shirt. He is going through withdrawl...

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