Saturday, May 2, 2009

What I can do

As I have said before, I used to be really active in the Republican Party when I was in college. But after I married and had kids, I turned off politics. I found myself too riled up all the time and needed a break. But then something changed. I think a lot of times we women generally focus inward towards our families. However, the way things are going, we can’t ignore what the government is doing that not only threaten our country, but our families as well. And so I want to get involved again. But I found that I’m not sure where I fit. I am a conservative but the Republican Party is getting less and less conservative. On the other hand I do feel that government is good for some things, just not as much as they think they are good for.

So I talked with Mike about what I want to do. I want to be involved again, but in what and doing what? Then I had a thought. I think that whether or not you believe the two-party system is good or bad, it is here to stay. But, what if we try to influence the party we feel most closely resembles what we believe, starting at the bottom? We get involved in our precincts, go to conventions where party platforms and candidates are decided. Vote in our primaries, propose changes to party ideas, run for local office if possible. If people do this, we can change the direction of our party and hopefully our state and country.

Anyway, that is my idea and I can do it while taking care of my family.

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