Thursday, May 21, 2009


I saw a commercial the other day that set me off thinking. It showed a family together in a room that was full of the father's guitars. One of the daughters, who was about 8 or 9 years old was wearing guitar earings and singing into a microphone. My first thought was that she must like guitars because her father does. I know, not terribly profound. But I thought of all the things that I liked, disliked, and such that were influenced by my parents.

When I was younger my dad and I watched sports together, especially NASCAR. I loved NASCAR - in fact, I still get all excited when I see it. I know I liked it because my dad did. And I love the memories of experiencing that together.

Our interests and passions influence our children. I felt a bit overwhelmed by this whole thought process. What will I pass on to my kids. What do I like that they will like? Music, politics, silliness (well, that one for sure!) Then I remembered an experience I had as a teenager.

My mom has always been a great example to me of faith. I remembered her always reading her scriptures, having gospel discussions with me, getting excited for temple trips, and the like. One Sunday, I think when we were close to moving from Maine, we had testimony meeting in Young Women, where my mom was president. I bore mine and I remember one of the leaders commenting that my testimony reminded them of my mother. I was so proud. I hope that among all those things that I might influence my kids to like, that foremost is to love the gospel and have unwavering faith. I know without a doubt that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true, and I hope they will too.

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