Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I read this quote tonight, and was so inspired. This is what I want to be:

“God planted within women something divine that expresses itself in quiet strength, in refinement, in peace, in goodness, in virtue, in truth, in love. And all of these remarkable qualities find their truest and most satisfying expression in motherhood.” –Gordon B. Hinckley

Life gets challenging and sometimes I am not who I want to be. I get frustrated more than I want to when the boys won't listen, I am impatient more often than I want and can see so many things I want to improve. I find, though, that when I remember who I could be, it is easier for me to be it. Does that make sense? What I mean is that when I remember the divine nature and potential that I have as a woman, I want to live up to it. I want to find a little more patience, be a little kinder, be calmer, do a little more. I want to be incredibly good. So, here is my inspiration, my quest to be better, to live up to what my Heavenly Father wants me to be, and what I want to be. And most importantly, I am going to try harder to be the mother I want to be. Wish me luck!

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