Friday, January 30, 2009

Another one of those...

I got tagged to write 25 things about myself on Facebook. So, I'm using it here too. Here we go...

1. I love finding bargains. I can’t stop. Really, I can’t. I don’t buy any clothes for the boys that cost more than $3 new.
2. Related to above, I am trying to start up an online store to sell the bargain clothes I find for kids…be watching for it soon!
3. I took violin lessons in first grade. But, the lunch lady taught them and she scared me. So when my mom dropped me off, I stayed outside. The lessons didn’t last too long. (That’s okay, I always wanted to play the flute anyway!)
4. I am auditioning for a production tomorrow. I don’t know if I will make it, but I am going to try because I love playing my flute and miss it a lot.
5. I was the president of BYU College Republicans when I was at school and lived politics. I’m easing back into it now after a break for my own sanity.
6. I have had both my kids c-section. Jordan was an emergency c-section and when I was pregnant with Evan they said, “once a c-section, always a c-section.” On the plus side, I don’t change dirty diapers for the first two weeks!7. I live in Maine for four years when I was a teenager and still long to get back. If we have money some day (you know, after the house, and student loans, and missions, and everything else) to buy a vacation house, it will be in Maine (yes, in Cape Elizabeth!) If not, I will settle for frequent stays in hotels.
8. I have a possibly unhealthy love of chocolate chip and peanut butter chip Quaker granola bars. I have at least one a day.
9. I love France and anything French. I used to daydream about being there. I still can’t wait for an extended visit. I got to go for a day to Paris when I was in Brussels for a business trip. So, one day we’ll go.
10. I hate cleaning floors…with a passion. Fortunately Mike doesn’t mind doing them.
11. I love cooking in my crock pot. Ten minutes in the morning and dinner is done!
12. Mike thought it would be funny to teach Jordan that he is a boy, Mike is a boy, Evan is a boy and Mama is a monkey. So now if you ask Jordan what Mama is, he will tell you I am a monkey.
13. I have a hard time resisting tv shows that have to do with super powers. Can’t resist. That is why I had to watch Smallville last night even though I didn’t care about it.
14. I like…brace yourself…Celine Dion. I actually listen to her in French. I had a friend that introduced me to it and I have liked her ever since.
15. I did debate in high school. My greatest triumph was when we beat a nationally ranked team and they gave us their third place trophy after because they were so mad.
16. I like to talk. A lot.
17. I am really stubborn about some things. One of the biggest is resisting things that are popular. That is why I just read the Work and the Glory books a couple years ago and I am always a little behind on fads.
18. I love watching people dance. Stink at it myself though.
19. I hope to move back to Utah soon. My husband’s family is there and my parents moved there last year! I still get giddy inside when I think about my parents living in Utah. I love it there.
20. I really hope I have a girl someday. I would be happy with even just one. I need a daughter to be girly with. I do love my boys though!
21. I can’t make decisions these days. I think that the boys suck out so much of my resources these days that the first region to go was the one that makes simple decisions. Anyway, that’s what Mike is for!
22. I honestly can predict about 90% of the time what is going to happen in a movie, tv show or book.
23. I can listen to two conversations at the same time.
24. I talk to my mom multiple times a day. Yeah, we’re close.
25. I want to write a book some day and I already know what it is about and how I want to organize it. Now, I just have to work on the writing ability part…

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