Monday, September 29, 2008


I used to be really into politics. When I was in college I was president of BYU's College Republicans. I was on a Congressional campaign's staff and I volunteered on many other campaigns. I was on the county's Republican party executive committee. I went to my precinct caucus meetings and to every convention.

But not any more...

Soon after I got married I decided to cut politics out of my life, at least for a little while. The problem is that I am extremely passionate when it comes to politics. I can't just calmly sit and watch or read something political. I get worked up. You know that scripture in the Book of Mormon that says to bridle your passions that you may be filled with love. That's me and politics. I haven't yet learned to bridle that passion, so I need to stay away from it. It is hard to explain how it feels, but I don't like the strong negativity I get from being involved with it.

The other day I thought I would try to watch the debate between John McCain and Barak Obama. I still am interested, so I turned it on. After about 30 seconds I was already trying to join the debate. I could feel it all coming back. So, I turned it off. I guess I still am not ready for politics again. Hopefully soon I will learn how to be calm about politics, but until then I will have to keep it out. Don't worry though, I am still going to vote!

1 comment:

Kim said...

LOL erica you are so cute getting all into the debates! I love your passion about things and hopefully someday you will be able to watch a presidential debate and not get too worked up about it.