Sunday, September 21, 2008

My siren song

I have an addiction. I can't help myself. I LOVE to find deals. There is a definite possibility that I get a high from it. I don't pay more than $3 for any one new piece of clothing for the boys (and even that is pushing it). If I find something that is a really good clearance price, I try to find a need for it. Mike knows that when we go to a store, especially one like Target, I will be sidetracked at every red clearance sign. Like the Sirens of Greek mythology that lured sailors off their path and into the waiting cliffs, so those clearance signs are to me, pulling me off my course. I seriously can't help myself. They are irresistable.
But there is such a sense of accomplishment in getting something we need for such a good price. Maybe it is because Mike is a student so we don't have money to spare. Anyway, I am still coming off one of my good deal highs. Yesterday I went to Goodwill where all clothes and shoes were 50% off. I bought the boys brand new halloween costumes for $1.50 each! I love that!


Sarah said...

That is a great deal! So what are they going to be for holloween?

Erica said...

Jordan is going to be a dog and Evan is going to be a monkey! I'm pretty excited, and I'm not even a huge halloween fan!