Friday, September 26, 2008

Mama's boys

I love my boys.

My boys are mama's boys, especially Evan. There are times when I am literally the only person that he wants and he only is happy again when he is with me. The other night I went visiting teaching, so I wasn't home when the boys went to bed. When Evan woke up for his first feeding of the night, I could tell he was happy to see me. Then, when Mike went to put him in bed he was not ready to go. It is nice to be loved so much.
The past couple of days I haven't been feeling 100%, so I haven't had the energy I normally need to keep up with them. And, because they are such mama's boys, they like a lot of my attention! Last night I was so excited for the boys' bed time so I could finally rest. But, after they had been in bed for about an hour I really wanted to see them. Pathetic, huh?! But, after some soul searching to understand why, after 12 hours of non-stop boys I wanted to see them again so much already, I figured it out.
I used to have a comfort object. I always felt so much better when I held it. But, I haven't had it for many, many years. I think I have been struggling to replace it ever since. Last night when I was tired, unwell, and lonely (Mike was at school still...) I realized that my boys are my comfort. I just wanted to cuddle with one of them to feel not only the joy and love I have for them, but that I feel back from them. So, I went and laid down with Jordan for a minute and felt so much better!


Mandy said...

Its been ages literally, since I've talked to you how are things going? Jordan is so BIG! Mikaila misses her friend at church! Evan is so cute! How has it been having two? I am having a boy in November. Glad you have a blog now, its such a great way to keep in touch.

Sarah said...

Too sweet Erica! You're a good Mom.