Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I have a confession. I get frustrated with my kids and my husband. I wish I didn't, but I do. Then, I get more frustrated that I am frustrated and it just spirals. We hear from great men all the time about their wives never complaining and being happy while they were gone all the time. If it is really possible, well, then I am failing.
You know that hypothetical question, if you could ask one person a question, who would it be and what would you ask? I know without a doubt what my answer would be. People might feel like it would be a wasted question, but I think it is exactly what I would want to know. I would ask Julie B. Beck if she ever got frustrated with her family. I admire Sister Beck so much and would love to know the answer. I just want to know if the pressure I place on myself to never feel that way is unrealistic or not. I know that there are a lot of pressures placed on women in the church to try and always be happy and do everything we can, and I would love one of the leaders of the women to say that we don't have to be perfect. Maybe this is all common sense to everyone else though, I don't know.
I have, however, found some tricks that help me have a little more patience through the days. I've learned that if I set out with the intent of doing nothing else with my day but take care of my kids, then I am a lot happier. And, if I am able to get something done, it is just icing on the cake. Also, I must eat a good breakfast (although doing so takes away any possible low blood sugar claims I could make...)
The biggest help to me, though, is to remember that there are seasons to my life. I had been thinking a lot about this when Elder Ballard gave his talk in conference last April that reaffirmed my mindset. I know that right now is the season of my life to take care of and raise my children. Sooner that I like they will be busy with school and other activities and I will have more time to not only pursue my interests but do more service and the like... and I might even have a clean house! I won't care at that point how long Mike is gone doing his responsibilities because there won't be babies and toddlers climbing on me and fussing for all their needs to be met immediately. Oh, and I will be getting more sleep! This thought honestly brings me a lot of comfort and I can literally feel some of the pressure slipping away.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I know just how you feel Erica! It's hard too. I'm such a perfectionist so I feel like I'm failing even when I know that I shouldn't. You have the right thoughts about a time and a season. I think about when they will be older, usually at night once they're asleep, and I know I will want these days back. It's hard in the moment though.