Tuesday, November 4, 2008


So, we all saw this coming, right? I have to rant. So brace yourself, here it comes.

There are so many things that I see wrong with what happened with the election today. First I have to start by explaining the way I vote. I ask that though some of you may strongly disagree with me, please still be my friend. I say that because for some reason people have such a strong reaction to this, even though something worse happened tonight...hypocrisy that we will get to later on. I am a party voter. This doesn't mean that I don't still pay attention to the people running, but 99% of the time I will vote Republican after I make sure that they will represent those conservative beliefs I have. I may not agree with everything that a Republican candidate stands for, but I will agree with a whole lot more with that candidate than a Democrat. Also, whatever party the elected official represents gains more power overall, which will further a cause that I will not agree with if it is a Democrat. A candidate may be a more "moderate" Democrat, but the more liberal ones will gain power from that "moderate" candidate. Anyway, that is why I vote the way I do. Don't hate me...

I was watching Fox News when they were talking about Obama winning. They were postulating about what Obama will do, stand for, push for, etc as President. They were almost joking about how no one really knows what Obama stands for "but we like him anyway." Are you kidding me?!? You are okay with electing a President that no one knows how he will govern? Wow. And that is better than voting for a party with good, strong values. Wow.

Next, I have another bone to pick. The media. Why are they so liberal? They elected Obama. They really never said anything negative about him. But who is he? That didn't matter. The fact that he is a new comer to politics with very little experience was nothing to them. He was who they chose to elect. But, Sarah Palin, a new comer too, was fed to the wolves so to speak. Her "inexperience" was apparently unforgivable, while Obama's was endearing - an outsider who will change Washington.

After saying all this, you might be surprised to know that I really am more moderate that I seem. In my time actively working in the Republican party I realized that I wasn't as strictly conservative as a lot of those around me. I do believe that there are times and cases when welfare is needed - correctly administered and run - and when the government can do things better. But I am worried, at the same time, about a government that is too big, too invasive, and too distrusting of our ability to make our own decisions for us and our families. I am worried that we will be seen as an easy target now to terrorists and other countries. But, I have hope that when we all learn what it is - besides "change" - that Obama stands for, that it will leave our country better, safer, and stronger.


Lindsay said...

I completely disagree with you! But I'm still your friend:)

Sarah said...

I AGREE 100% with you!! It's funny because just yesterday I was talking to my brother on the phone. He mentioned that Obama contradicts himself and I said and people don't care. They just want him. My brother said that someone did a pole in the public. They went around asking people what they thought about obama's plan on fill in the blank. While they really rattled off Bush's plan. As long as it was called Obama's people were like Oh yeah! Yeah I support that. It's insane. I'm not a fan of mccain by any stretch of the means but at least he isn't as liberal as obama! Jeez! I worry about a lot of those things too Erica! And even if I didn't comlpeetely agree with you, I would still love you!